Laboratory Services
If your pet is sick, blood work is one of our most vital diagnostics. It helps look at areas we cannot see or feel on examination. We offer many options when it comes to our lab services. Even healthy animals can benefit from blood work.
Did you know 1 in 10 animals under age six have a laboratory abnormality and no clinical signs? This increases to 1 in 5 for pets over six years of age. The sooner we detect any number of diseases, the greater the chance to provide a positive outcome.
Through partnering with external laboratories we are able to provide a variety of tests: wellness profiles, sick patient profiles, blood typing, clotting times, fecal testing, urine testing, cytology, biopsy (histopathology), unique disease testing, vaccination titers, bladder stone analysis and exotic disease testing services.
For those pets in need, we offer in-house diagnostics. This allows us to receive critical information and results in minutes.